Stephen Francis Grande
(born Brian William Andrade)
Photos of My Family
Arranged by Reunion Dates


These are photos of my birth family, each one captured and arranged according to the date that I reunited in person with each family member for the first time. You can view a larger image of most of the below photos by just clicking on them.

Me and my Dad meeting for the first time on Saturday, August 9, 2003
at the St. Marguerite D'Youville Pavilion nursing home in Lewiston, Maine.
My Dad was the first member of my birth family that I ever met in person.

Me and my sister Gladys meeting for the first time on Monday, August 11, 2003
at Dudley's Restaurant at the Ramada Inn in Lewiston, Maine.
Gladys is my Dad's youngest daughter and the first sibling I ever met.

Me and my sister Joanne meeting for the first time on December 27, 2003
at Dudley's Restaurant at the Ramada Inn in Lewiston, Maine.